Several years ago I was involved in a project concerning the mixture used to make electrodes for aluminum hot electrolysis. The mixture was very thick and the only way to obtain a compact filling of the form was to generate shock waves: a profiled eccenter lifted the filled form which then...
The conditions are not exactly the same. If the soft part turns the surface defects generated by the stationary part will cover all the circumference. The lubrication will be destroyed all over and the risk for galling due to too high friction is higher. If the hard piece turns the wear is...
Sorry for the misuse. The reason the journal has to be hard and the bearing soft can be explaines with a similitude with turning on a lathe:
to work the cutting edge has to be harder than the piece which turns.
It is exactly what happens in the analysed case.
In an assembly shaft + bearing it...
The matching of the 2 materials is not the best.
I do not know how much will cost the sputtering of WC but the best solution is to use the right combination of materials and give the right harness differences between the 2 surfaces.
The iron used is soft and the Al2O3 layer is hard so combined...
According to your description the load is too big and generates a too high temperature in the zone where the galling occurs. It is exactly in this zone that pressures are the highest. For a given rpm value and a diameter the product pressure x sliding speed is proportional to the energy lost in...