6" thick slab with anti crack reinforcement on top on 6" hardcore.
or 4" thick slab with joints at say, 8' horizontal and 12' vertical. on 6" hardcore.
With garage, the gradient should not be to steep such that a disable wheelchair could also manage to use it. Ideally 1 in 12 for max 10 meter, or 1 in 20 if longer...
Provide minimum 6 in granular back fill on top of the pipe then cast a reinforced slab on top of the fill with min 3' extensions on both sides, i.e. total length is 3' + pipe diameter + 3'. Design slab as one-way with appropriate traffic loading...
I am particularly refering to pargraph 3 of section 7.2 in Eurocode 2:
. . . Under severe exposure conditions when DECOMPRESSION is required, the design proces tends to be dominated by the serviceability requirements of cracking, rather than by ultimate strength as in reinforce concrete.
well my undergrad is bs civil engineering, it's just that my first language is not english.
i don't much problem when it comes to solving structural problem. but when i start writing my thesis and reading the british standard and eurocode, some words just don't make sense to me.
I work at HOP in Brighton UK, http://malilipotbuilders.blogspot.com/2008/02/blog-post_10.html
I am currently taking up MSc Civil Engineering in Brighton University.
Eurocode 2 speaks of decompression with regards to prestressed concrete design.
Can anyone explain to me what decompression means. many thanks
CBR or california bearing ratio is an important soil parameter when designing a road.
Road of the same category will normally have similar construction components except sub-base and capping layer in which their thickness is relative to the value of CBR.
see a typical detail of road...
Warning to design engineers
Please take time to read the Planning notice before commensing your design.
There are some very vague but important notice that could be overlooked and such could cause a massive loss in claims and delays.
read more . . ...
Hi there,
I am doing a research on the above topic. Right now I am still in the stage of surveying existing literature.
Can anyone please help me find them.