The PD activity slowly decreased, then without changing anything, increasing the applied voltage above the inception point and decreasing to the test voltage, the activity increased and then showed the same slow decline - so the whole thing is repeatable. I think I may have to do more...
We have been testing the PD of connectors so we wanted to confirm that the PD readings did not arise from the cable itself. The main issue was that we saw the PD activity decrease with time with no apparent cause - so I was wondering if anyone had seen this before. I was testing between the...
Unfortunately I have no photographs as the kit was in the UK and I'm back in the US.
I was using a HIPOTRONICS DDX9101 unit hooked to a XLPE cable 12,20,(22)kV.
I am performing PD testing on short sections of sheath 22kV cable which has been factory tested to have <10pC at 22kV but I get very high PD readings 300-1000pC at 8.2kVwhich then decreases after several minutes to 2-3pC - does anyone know what effect is causing the decrease of the PD activity...