Thanks to all for taking the time out of your busy lives to help me out with all of this valuable information. I will use it when I talk to the bigshots and the money people.
P.S. This is the first time I have had to pose a question on this web site. I am most grateful to have access to it...
Thanks unclesyd,
This has been discussed. We have also talked about simply running the boiler 'til the offending tube(s) blow(s). Then there will no guessing at which one(s) is/are the leaker(s).
Did you re-roll these tubes with in-house staff or did you contract the job out?
If you...
Thanks Keith 53. We do keep pretty good records. I went back and checked and there was a slight enduring drop in stack temp.- when compared to the beginning of the heating season.
Thanks for the help!
Our Nebraska D type package water tube boiler has developed a leak that we cannot locate.
This boiler was put into service in 1990. Its MAWP is 200 psi and its max rating is 55,000 #/hr.. We operate it at 90 psi and average 30,000 #/hr. during the winter months.
When the boiler is in standby...