I don't use simulator, unfortunatelly my antivirus detects a virus in registration tool ?:(.
I just made spreadsheet calculation and then guessed nL using solver, ie. I guessed nL until sum of zi was zi=1
I think this method should work, but anyway - the error
repeatedly occurs (I have only...
I appologize for not explaining the symbols.
xi is the composition of the liquid phase
yi is the composition of the vapour phase
zi is composition before separation
As far as I know, this should be satisfied: sum zi = sum yi = sum xi
nL is quantity of the liquid phase, ng is quantity of the...
Hi, I'll be very helpfull to see someones separator calculation in order to obtain liquid and gas composition at desired separator pressure and temperature.
I'm getting sum of mole fractions of gas phase=1, but for liquid fraction I get numbers different than 1.
I attached my example.
Also I...
Span, R., Wagner, W: „A new equation of state for carbon dioxide covering the fluid region from the triple-point temperature to 1100K at pressures up to 800MPa“. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 25, (1996.) p.1509–1596.
This article above could be helpful.
I'm wondering if someone has the simple p-Z...
Is there any algorithm to calculate CO2 properties using Span & Wagner, ie. steps to implement into VBA (macro) code in MSExcel?
Is Span&Wagner EOS applicable to calculate PVT properties of hydrocarbon mixtures with large amount of CO2?
Is anywhere available in pdf form table of SPE recomended nomenclature and units, and also, the similar table for SI nomenclature and units.
I'm wandering if there is SI and SPE recomendation for nomenclature of Z factor (capital letter or not?!?), but also for some other parameters...
I'd like to help, but I'm not into chemical engineering, only in PVT and Petroleum Eng.
However, maybe It will be interesting to try Vasquez Beggs and similar correlations:
Thanx, that's almost the solution, and the hardest thing was to have this data in the spreadsheet. However, to describe a process (in this case, we need it for air conditioner process) properly, it ould be the best to have classic thermodynamic diagram with all variables at one place. As you...
Is there any, if possible freeware, software which could aid in plotting this kind of curves
from known data (temperature, density, enthalpy, entropy...) that I had in Excel spreadsheet?