Apologies for the lack of info on my first post. I wanted to check conceptually if it was workable.
It would be a great help if you can point me to the code reference.
The missing info.
The Piping material : A358 Grade 304
Wall thickness of existing tee : 0.5"
Age of system : ~25...
We have a existing 36"NB LNG header and as part of the modifications to the pipework we need to have 16" branch connection on this line. Due to the layout constraints only possible location to have the bracnh is at a butt welded Tee.(See sketch attached). I am trying to find the code requirement...
Thanks for the responses
The single base plate I'm talking about
1.5m dia vessel and 2m in height with skirt height of 0.8m
The number of bolts 4. There are no gussets. The 1/2" thk skirt and the baseplate 15mm are checked and found ok for the vertical/lateral loads.
There is another enquiry...
For vertical vessels with skirts, the bottom base plate is
single for short vessels say 1m or 2m in height. however for tall vessels 2 ring plates with gussets are used.
Any suggestions on the significance and guidance on when 2 ring plates are required ?
thanks and regards
Thanks for all the replies.
It turned out the nozzle is welded pipe and with the actual thickness(from ut report) ie without neg. tol ...
the blind is okay for the nozzle opening.
and accepted by the inspection authority
I have a Nozzle on a blind flg. The blind fails for the Nozzle opening (for a revised design pressure, PD5500) and the Nozzle thickness cannot be increased as it is already ordered.
The design is as per PD5500. One option is using reinforcement pads. has anyone come across pads on blinds?