I am doing a coupled Thermal-electrical analysis on copper conducting sheet. The electrical currents flow on the sheet with ununiform densities then the temperature field is generated. I want to find the Subroutine of distributed current for user to calculate temperature by Joule heat, but I can...
I copied the file "df.exe" from Fortran into default directory, but there is same error in submiting Job. I am working in Abaqus CAE.
Can you help me to solve the problem?
Thank you very much.
I am working in Abaqus, my problem had a error when running the Job with Subroutine. Abaqus got a messenger "Error in Job: Problem during compilation - df.exe not found in Path". Please, help me to solve this problem.
Can I analyze electro-magnetic model by Abaqus? Because I have magnetic field generated by coils, which heat the plate as induction heating. It is difficult to dedemine temperature in plate.
Help me.
I have odb file. I set contour limit temperature equal critical temperatue to get critical temperature zone. Can I define its size and shape? If can, how do I do? Please, help me. Thanks.
I am not good in Abaquas. I am writing the subroutine Hetval, in this subroutine I read data file from my PC. Because I need data to give to Abaqus program. Result is good but it take me a long time because the program must read many times with same data. I want to read the data a time, then...
I am calculating the temperatue based on Heat flux. I tested processes by 2 method with same heat flux values: 1-Apply heat flux directly to part. 2- Apply heat flux by HETVAL subroutine. Why I get the different temperatures with same heat flux? The value of temperature analysing by HETVAL is...
Dear XERF!
I read the your answers in this forum to get state variables. I copied the method to receive the coordinates by SDVINI then to give them to HETVAL. I have inserted the "*INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=SOLUTION, USER" into the Model, but I cant run the Subroutine SDVINI. I want get the...
Dear Xerf.
I have read your reply. I have just worked at Abaqus in some days. I dont know much about it. Please, decribe clearly. Abaqus gives data of element nodes. They differ from nodes processing in Body Flux (Subroutine DFLUX). What do I do now?
where Can I read or find Fitting Function...
I am working with Dflux in BODY FLUX. I have data file with coordinates of nodes and values of flux at the nodes. I write the subroutine "Dflux" to read data, then I defined that coordinates at nodes are not equal with COORDS(3)(Integration point) getting from modeling.
Ex: I meshed model with...
I am a new people in Abaqus. I wan to ask that:
I have written a Subroutine in Fortran, how I can run program with subroutine in Abaqus? This time I cant relate Abaqus and Subroutine in Fortran.