i'm relatively new to the design process. is there a reference i can refer to that tells me information regarding how long my branch line should be?
(i'm using 800ht pipe, by the way)
i guess i'm not that good at making myself clear. the assembly hasn't been built yet. we're still in the design phase. the detectors will be installed while the loop is cold.
i'm not sure if this is the right roeum to post this on, but it was my best guess.
i am trying to measure the pressure in a loop that has a high temperature of 950 c. i know there really aren't any pressure detectors that can handle those temps, and a line must be used to cool the fluid. i had...
my wall thickness is 10 mm.
i am using a series of radiation heaters around my piping to achieve my temperatures and my heaters are right next to the location i will need to read. won't this make IR ineffective?
Whoops. Gas temperature, sorry. I know of no thread sealant which can handle those temps and I'm afraid of leakage if I weld a thermowell into the pipe. (plus, my pipe inner diameter is only around 13 mm so I have some flow restriction issues also)
I'm working on a test rig for a new heat exchanger that will see temps up to around 1700 F. My medium is He, so I'm concerned about leakage. What's the best way to take temperature readings at this temperature?
I'm trying to design and build a next-gen heat exchanger that operates at 950 C and 70 Bar. Does anyone know what alloys I could use for this application? I know alloy 617 would work, but am having a hard time getting it.