I think I might have more answer than I need. ;-)>. I hate asking questions. I have always found that asking questions are harder on me than giving answers.
So let me ask this (duh)> "Is there a 3DSPLINE command in CATIA? If so, where is it located."
a 3D spline is a polyline, a spline that curves along all three axis simultaneously. It can not be plotted on two dimensions. As the line move from point 1,2,2 to 2,3,1, to 3,4,0 etc.
In Autodesk 3D products you can plot the points you need and it will draw a spline with these points.
I'm using CATIA V5R12. Is there anyway that you can make/use "blocks" like there is in autocad? I would really like to have the ability to drop/cut/copy repetative blocks into to my part sketches and my drafting drawings.
We can build a 25 mm indirect water bath heater. The size would be approximate 12ft diameter x 40 foot long depending on coil requirements. Give me the particulars and I will size it for you. Sandy