Well, there we go, proof that I still have a long way to go to fully grasp basic electronics. I made the mistake of assuming that there are no sensitive components. I'm glad I'm deaf. Literally!
Looking at other older posts regarding various surge, spikes, and voltage clamps as well as thru...
I called them "spike backs". Now I know what load dumps are... I do have my circits with 1N4002's across the relay coils and I have an input power supply circuit with capacitators & zener diodes designed for the automotive environment. I don't have any CMOS or other sensitive...
The vehicle is supplying a positive 12vdc, 20ma PWM. This info was from the mfg's upfitter guide.
The aftermarket equipments have dedicated dimmer circuits where normally in other vehicles, we connect direct to the closest dimmer circuit such as the ash tray lamps that are often on the same...
This particuliar vehicle is providing PWM's for domelight dimmer. I plan to tap the circuit which is 20ma 12vdc and use it to drive the MOSFET for other aftermarket components to use. I suppose the newer vehicles are getting more technical. It does makes sense to use PWM technology for power...
I am designing a portion of an automotive circuit which will provide a 12vdc output when activated. This circuit in particuliar is a dimmer control circuit using the PWM supplied by the vehicle.
With the following requested specs in mind, how does one design a circuit properly?
1. Automotive...