dear all,
I have file with soma data points. Basicly I want to make an Amplitude histogram (PSD). I found some literature on NormPDF in MATLAB but I dont have a normal distribution, in fact I don't know the distribution. Is it nesscecary to write a little program to make the graph or is there...
thanks all of you, I already saw that specific tech. It uses a frequency as the time input while I have a vector with timestamps. I'll try to rewrite it.
Can anybody help me with my Matlab LaTeX compatibility? basicly I want to hev a Latex formula in the ylabel.
regards, Ruud
Hi all,
I would like to do a FFT in MATLAB. I have two vectors, one time and the other the actual signal. How can I do this?
Another problem I hav is how do I get a overline in a label? Tried using Latex code but I'm not sure how to use it.
PS Using matlab 7.4.0 (R2007a)