Hi again,
I am using Ultrapipe to determine de remaining strength of a corroded pipeline. ASME B31.G compares the MAOP with the safe maximum pressure for the corroded area. But, Ultrapipe compares this last pressure with the Design Pressure.
Is the Design Pressure always greater than the...
Guess What... I just can`t find that section in the Apendix F of B31.3. Page 266 includes F307 Valves, f308 Flanges and Gaskets..then F309, F312 and lo F322. Nothing about F321. I also opened my 2001 addenda and didn´t it either.
Where is it then?
Hi... I am doing visual inspection to a Gas Plant, Found a 1"x1"X4" piece of metal welded to an elbow. That piece of metal doesn´t have any function...well...none known. Is there any code sugesting what to do with it?... Thanks.
I appreciate your response and Help John... I Read B31.3, paragraph 321.4 as you told me...it helps a lot. Now, regarding F321.4 I can´t find it in the 1999 edition.. Is it in another Edition?..thanks..
P.S. Sorry for My Mexican English.
Hi,...I am looking for code saying something about the necesity of having a shoe or metallic protection between a pipe and a concrete beam. Any help will be apreciated. Thanks. CorpMex.