dirtsqueezer,oldestguy and all Thanks for such help
The blue stone is now compacted and seems like it will still need a binder of some type.
It was not to be paved.
If I can I will suggest the paving, but it is unlikely, as funding has been reduced sharply.
AS we all know a funding cut means...
During construction of a 2000 ft. road I ordered my driver to put ledge pack over a compacted 2in.stone base.
When I returned the driver had used 1/2in.blue stone that had no binder.
Has anyone suggestions on how I can compact this for light traffic?
Can I leave it and run the roller with...
Is it possible that by dividing the loads in the agitator, you could save more than using the VFD?
In other words as jraef pointed out Quote:(as long as the work being done by the motor is less than it was before.) the work would be less by dividing the jobs to more machines that handle the...
Power out of a transformer is equal to power in less losses, so no amplification from a transformer.
I understand what you say about the transformer power, but I sure wish I could see this paragraph in an image of the system.
The amplidyne is an amplifier because it uses the input...
Quote ScottyUK (The small input is amplified because a fraction of the dynamo output is fed back into a compounding field winding which aids the input winding.)
Do you think it could hold some of the theory and physics of a transformer?
What I am getting at is this.
If the feed back leeks...
(books on DC Machines authored by Michael Liwschitz-Garik)
such help!
Now that I have all this to work with, I am so exhausted from my 12 hr day at work, that I do not think I can even get to it, but I will make an effort.
I feel thankful receiving so much information.
(If my memory is right, 'Amplidyne' is a contraction of 'Amplifying Dynamo' which probably gives you some clue as to how it works.)
Indeed, it should give me a clue, but can you give me a hint to what (contraction of amplifying dynamo) means?
Sorry to be a bit out of touch...
Skogsgurra,ScottyUK,and oftenlost
It was a pleasure to receive opinions and links for my question on the amplidyne generator.
Skogsgurra, the link carried a wealth of details for me to review, and yes I believe it must of been a constant upkeep on the systems that seem to be outdated now...
Hello all
Can anyone help me get a grip on what actually happens to make the amplidyne generator only need a small input change to create a large output? Whatsitdo?
If I am understanding it correctly,I believe it has some sort of short circuited wire, and or brushes.
I would appreciate a...