I currently have a problem with too much silver plating on a PCB. The Pb/Sn solder appears to be disolving the silver into solution and raising the liquidus point of solder. The result being poor infil of the solder joint.
I believe the problem to be silver plating that is too thick. We have...
I currently have a problem with too much silver plating on a PCB. The Pb/Sn solder appears to be leaching the silver into solution and raising the liquidus point of solder. The result being poor infil of the solder joint.
I thought I understood that an immersion or electroless silver plating...
I have seen a problem with copper wires turning black after a system level cyclic damp/heat test.
The wires are inserted into a plastic (PBT?) header and soldered into a PCB using a no-clean flux and PbSn solder.
The possible potential on the wires is 5 volts.
I have managed to find reference...