Thank you very much CodeJackal. That is exactly the information i was looking for. My A/I must have had a senior moment when we were talking about this. This solves everything. I read appendix W after reading your reply. It helps a lot.
i thank you both for the information but availability of the forms or where to find them was not my question. i was asking if using one or the other forms was okay or not and if so, which form would be best.
i have filled out many U1-a's but have never needed an extension due to normal design...
ASME II C, at SFA 5.28 addresses this somewhat but doesn't address the suffix "R". AWS A5.5 address this as low-hydrogen electrodes. From what I see, this is a 2.25CR/1MO used in a cold climate for equipment with high temp and high pressure application. Also that pre-heat and interpass temps...