Thank you.
The green represents the weight being measured. The grey portion represents the balanced beam that hangs perfectly level when nothing is hanging from it. When the green object is hung from the beam, the system tilts 1/2" down on the left side. So the green object which appears to...
I know about the double post. I realized I posted it in the wrong forum, so I reposted it here.
How do you account for the fact that it isn't in equilibrium? How do you take into account that the bar tilts 1/2". Obviously if the bar tilts 1/2" with this uneven load, but say an 1" with another...
I have a balance beam question. See sketch. with the beam supported in the middle and a weight hung across it approximately 24" long. the left side drops down roughly 1/2". Is there a way to calculate the weight difference from one end to the other? Even if it is only a ratio. total weight is...
1. Is the material in the form of wire or strip?
2. What is the diameter (or thickness) of the wire (strip)?
3. Is this a static, or dynamic application?
4. What is the end-use environment (temperature, chemicals, etc.)?
It's going to be a one use...
We are designing a spiral torsion spring using 17-7 Condition C. Our question is after forming the spring do we have to harden it to CH 900? Or can it be used reliably in Condition C?
We were told that we can only use half the maximum yield stress for our factor of safety calculations, if we...
By weaker we mean that the part was tested at a load position before and after passivation and the load measured afterwards was lower.
We are not looking for a way to clean the spring, we are actually looking for a way to make the spring have a lower force. Direct from manufacturing...
We were wondering if Ni-Span C can be passivated? We make springs and have found in the past that when we passivate it the spring gets weaker. We have a spring now that is too strong and would like to passivate it to make it weaker. But we want to make sure there is no long term effect to the...