@ zambo: it is indeed a slab, not a beam, and not prestressed.
as csd72 said, it is indeed a rather too complex situation for the forum, that's why I tried to keep the post as simple as possible. But I think it is clear that the impact on the strength of cutting through a rebar should not be...
I'm still here, but I was off for a holiday (in our country, we have holiday around the first of november.)
So sorry for the late reply.
Thanks a lot for all the answers!
To be more specific, the slab is not prestressed and it is not a ground floor. It is a floor somewere between two...
Dear all,
I have the situation that some 8cm holes (16 in total) have to be drilled in a concrete floor slab containing rebars. It is possible that some of the holes will go through a steel rebar and by this cutting it into two parts. Does anyone have an idea on how this might influence the...