Thanks,dcasto and Jim. Sorry wrong spelling, should be oventrop!! One site is
AS the 4 circuits are parallel connected to headrs on both suction and discharge sides, I would not expect the resistance thr' the chillers appreciably different; and even if...
Thanks, dcasto.
I just have 4 butterfly valves, that is one per circuit in a 4 chillers parallelcircuit configuration.Any comment/comparison of actual experience between the two types of valves ( cheaper against the expensive. The butterfly valves adjustment is manual and a mechanical stop will...
Hi Everyone,
I'm looking for advice how butterfly valves will perform as good as DRVs ( double regulating valves) in flow balancing through parallel chiller(er) water circuits.The butterfly valve I had is 10 diameter, and propose to replace Oventhop Double regulating valve, as the later is more...