My firm produces a weldment made of 4340 steel that is EB welded at an outside vendor. At times post weld machining does not fully clean up the weld zone. I would like some info on the correct filler to use for touching up the affected area. The wall thickness is approx. .100 thick. These are...
I'm trying to formulate a repair procedure for a part that has been EB welded. This isn't a weld integrity issue as much as it is cosmetic. Post machining of the weld area occasionally doesn't clean up the weld completely. I would like to fill in the pitts with a GTAW process and wonder about a...
I think what happened here was that the powers to be believed that machining stresses were present after the rough operations. That may or may not be true. However, a short soak like the one described seems tantamount to tickling a rhino with a feather. Does it really do what they want...
We're bringing in forged rings of 17-4 that are at condition 1150. After two rough machining operations, we stress relieve them at 1135-1165 for 2 hours. I'm not sure if this is doing anything useful except paying for my heat treaters new boat. Anybody got a suggestion?