Does any one have any opinion driven by experience on the subject. I am comparing an SCI unit to a Toshiba unit. Not considering cost, I want to know if this units are equally reliable. The DC bus voltage is typically higher on the "commercial" units like I found. But is there any reason why...
Units: 4160 V, 4750 KW, 60Hz, 1800RPM; 0.8pf
We have a few of the above unit that start vibrating once they are put back in service after a recondition in a manufacturer certified shop. The vibration is intermittent; it can happen as often as 3 times in a day or once in 3 weeks. The...
I have generators that have very low mega readings when idle. The problem has been narrowed down to the cable and insulation box on the generator. I want to add space heaters in the box that is about 3'L x 2'W 6'H, and opens at the top into the generator. I am thinking 3 500W space heaters...
As anyone implemented Guided wave ultrasonics for wall loss dectection in offshore risers. How effective were the results in reducing uncertainties associated with internal wall loss, and how senstive was the tool performance to subsea conditions at depths of 100ft or more.
Can you rank this...