Using the tool “View Dependent Edit" is very time consuming because of very large assembly drawing.
The "render sets" is a good option but I am not able to hide edges hidden by other objects. In "render sets" the selected solid body's all edges are changing in to "dash lines" and visible in the...
I need to change some of the lines style and weight in drawing views.I tried to change it by object display " and selecting the required faces or solid body in the drawing views.But some drawings line style and weight changed. But most of the cases by using "Object display (Ctr+J)" ,the...
Can we create broken view with breaks horizontally and vertically? I have to create a view with two horizontal breaks and one vertical break .Is that possible in NX 7.5.
I cannot able to use the family member of a part family assembly.The Part family is located in remote sever.I remote imported the part family assembly to our local server.While remote importing in team center ,do we have to remote import differently than normal remote import in team...
You are right Tomas.but still traditionally everyone insist to use constraints instead of fix for first part.Is there any specific reason?
Tony Paul
Which is the best practice in assembly (more than one part) in NX6?
1) First part fixing in assembly origin using fix constraint or
2) Constraining the first part in assembly origin using three constraints
Tony Paul
Can we reorder drawing sheets in NX6 drafting.Examle.
If I have two sheets in the drawing sheet01 and sheet02,can I reorder sheet02 1st and sheet 02 second in NX drafting