Thanks for the replies. Confirmed my thoughts, might as well target specific energy issues rather than a dubious fix all. Tap settings and harmonics filters are the way we will go. Thanks again.
Rafiq - Sorry re-reading I was not very clear.
Follow link as prime example-
In UK all large energy consumers have had to sign up to CRC (Carbon Reduction Commitment), there are a number of companies...
What are peoples thoughts on the glut of companies jumping on the CRC bandwagon and offering voltage optimisation equipment. I have been approached by one of these companies, and reading there glossy literature (and between the lines) it seems that voltage reduction and addressing power quality...
Thank you for your responses.
isquaredr - there is no requirment for the transformers to operate in parallel.
slava/raghun - This is exactly what I am aiming at. The LV ACB('s) are fitted with undervoltage relays which will trip if the HV GCB opens. This was primarily provided for ATS reasons...
I am looking for some advice please. I have several recently installed/commissioned 11kV/440V dry transformers. At present the facility to inter-trip the LV ACB when the HV GCB is switched to OFF or trips (using HV breaker status to shunt trip LV breaker) is not used. Question is - are there...
How do I determine the affect of in-rush current on two parallel 6.6KV 2MVA generators from 2 x 2MVA and 2 x 1MVA transformers. The generators will be up to speed before attempting to take any load and the four transformers mentioned will have minimal load ie <10%.
Interesting points in so far as we have a distribution panel suppling three open rings. Two utility incomers in parallel through a bus coupler. We have noticed unbalanced load through the two incomers. Instead of load being fed through the closest incomer (closest physically) it is fed from...
Our gensets are standby operation. Common mains failure relay (5second delay). Return to utility supply is a manually instigated (keyswitch) automatic sequence providing "no break" return using the synchronising method. We parallel to main directly without step up tx (6.6KV to 6.6KV).
Thanks for the replies.
The set up of the system is such that the genset control is fitted with a synchroniser, and a secondary sync check within the MV VCB control.
The system has been fully commissioned and tested but we are unsure if the stator distortion was present before the machines...
We have four 6.6KV 2.2MW standby generators with ability to sync together, and with the mains supply. The alternators on two of the machines are showing signs of distortion in the stator windings, one of which has failed completely.
A report by the manufacturer has stated the distortion has...