This is an exterior load bearing / shear wall. Wall height is 12'-8" to the roof and has a 5'-0" parapet. Wind speed is 90 mph, but insured by FM Global. Calculations show that the wall works. Just trying to determine if it is allowed as described (8" cmu with 6" reveal course); not 6" cmu...
I don't like it either. I can't find anything that says you can't do it, unless the tolerance portion of the code applies, 3/4" max offset. However, that is meant to be for construction tolerance from the documents.
If anyone uses Enercalc, I did notice in the masonry wall module, you can...
Architect is showing a 6" CMU course at multiple locations in an 8" CMU wall so that it creates an architectural band (reveal) around the buiding perimeter.
Does anyone know where I can find out how to address this in ACI 530? Or any other document or article that can help me determine if this...
Design foundation for seismic forces or not?
The transformer is an electrical component which is, along with it's attachement, exempt from Chapter 13 if located at a site with an SDC = B.
Does that mean the foundation does not have to be designed for seismic forces?
I say yes. What is your...
My grandfather's house is settling at one end, substantially. It is located in Huntington West Virginia. It is approximately 80 years old single story and is located along the side of a street where the land was stepped to place each house. The uphill side of the house is a retaining wall, 4...
Can anyone lead me to literature that would apply to cutting an existing 10" wide by 96" deep concrete beam in half (depth) and adding external reinforcing to strengthen the beam. The initial thought is to bolt channels to each side of the beam and then cut the bottom of the beam off. The...
Existing one way slab and beam floor system. New equipment leg is to be located near center of slab instead of on an existing beam and the slab can not handle the point load. Has anyone ever installed a new concrete beam between existing concrete beams in order to support the equipment leg or...
Need help with reinforcing a cold formed steel brace. Brace is inadequate due to buckling and want to add cover plates or other cold formed sections to increase the moment of inertia. I can come up with the needed moment of inertia but don't know how to determine the length of the reinforcing...
Sounds like you could be talking about designig the support building for a tower. In the past, we would install a grating frame above the roof to shatter the ice before it hits the roof.
Can anyone tell me whether the attached photo is a building constructed as concrete moment frames or concrete frames with masonry infill shear walls? Or a combination. Building was originally constructed in 1958 in Oklahoma City. Obviously it is under renovation but I believe the openings on...
Is the enclosure classification the same on both sides of the partition? It is an interior wall, I don't see how it would receive a different wind load than any other interior wall. Unless I don't have all the information, Option A appears to be the right option.
Does anyone know of a device that can locate structural steel behind drywall? For example, conventional steel framed building with gwb walls to the underside of the spandrel beams, therefore can not see diagonal braces. Is there some device that can detect the braces? Or am I going to have to...
Is the mortar pre-mixed by the mason, or purchased? I have never seen this either. Does the specifications call for quality assurance of the mortar..typically it does. In order to verify quality, a qualified person has to witness the mortar making process once per day. If they are pre-made...
I am checking someone elses drawings. They used two 8x16x8 blocks placed side by side which makes a square 16x16. These are trailer support piers, gravity load only. Hollow, dry stacked and face bonded.
I did forget to hit the square root key on the calculator. Didn't change much in my...