i want to use finite element modeling to consider mechanical deformation of a micro-cantilever under surface stress(adsorption-induced stress)on one side of a three-dimensional cantilever.
Someone told me in order to simulate a surface stress,the cantilever top surface can be loaded with an...
How to avoid this warning?
The elements in element set WarnElemFailElemInContact are part of a deformable surface that is referenced by a *CONTACT PAIR option in addition to having material properties that allow the element to fail. For elements that can fail, contact should be defined using...
how to solve this problem???
"Solver problem. Numerical singularity at D.O.F. 3 at one or more of the internal nodes of 40 elements. The elements have been identified in element set WarnElemSolvProbNumSing_3_0_0_0_0."
Dear all,
i am simulating High-velocity impact on sandwich structure in Abaqus. Could any one please guide me how can I simulate it?
1) how do i model sandwich structure? I saw there is a "skin" command in Abaqus, can i just add the skins to the core by using this command?
2) What should i...
yea, non-uniform velocity changing with time. I did that by varying the Amplitude, but i still can't get the reflected wave in the incident bar. The attachment is the inp file that i have did. Suppose the reflected wave(positive strain) is in opposite direction of the first wave produced in the...
im currently doing FEM analysis on split hopkinson pressure bar compression testing using abaqus. Below is some problem that im facing now:-
1. i do not know how to apply a nonuniform velocity on the striker bar.
2. The elastic wave i generated on the input bar does not contain reflected wave.
Hi i'm totally new to Abaqus but my lecturer want me analysis the composite laminate. In fact, i think i should learn from the basic but the time is not allow me to do so!!!
Does "composite layup" in Abaqus6.7 help to the analysis??
Can someone give me a clear picture of the whole process (from...