Dear Sirs,
My fertilser plant was commissioned in 1993. Since then we have been monitoring health of Primery Reformer Catalyst tubes. Catalyst tubes are made of IN-519 by centrifugal casting process. Folloing tests are being performed during planned shut down (every year).
1. Ultrasonic Testing...
Dear Sirs,
My fertilser plant was commissioned in 1993. Since then we have been monitoring health of Primery Reformer Catalyst tubes. Catalyst tubes are made of IN-519 by centrifugal casting process. Folloing tests are being performed during planned shut down (every year).
1. Ultrasonic Testing...
I am looking to get a step by step procedure to carry out phase analysis for a basic machine train (say Direct coupled motor driven pump) operating at 3000 rpm.
The spectrum is showing harmonic peaks gradgually reducing in amplitude (i. e. 1X > 2X > 3X and so on...). There is no indication...