Hi Alex,
Thank you so much for your help! I am using Ansys 7.1. I know old old.. Anyway, I will change the element type to plane42. I am unclear what you mean by "insufficiently constrained". Are you saying I can't run this simulation and get effective results without specifying displacement or...
Hi Alex,
I have copied my model file below. I believe that there is no stress information in nodes contained in the side circles associated with material 2. Any idea why that would be so?
Hi Alex,
Thank you for the reply. I am not sure why the stresses are not available at some of the nodes. I have "two" holes inside a solid structure and I put pressure on the boundary of the holes. Perhaps, Ansys does not compute the stresses on the boundary nodes? I will try it the way you...
Hi, I recently created a script file to store data from a simulation. I am fairly new to Ansys. The script file is below. One problem is that I keep getting "warning" messages that come up telling me that the requested information is not available at the specified node. The do loop runs through...
Hi Stringmaker,
Thank you for your reply. I just read the APDL section of the documentation. I supposed this is a fairly basic question, but I have done all my post processing in Matlab from these simulations in order to avoid having to "learn" the Ansys programming language. I suppose the...
Good Afternoon,
I would like to know the neccessary commands to list and "save" the nodes and principle stresses to a text file of my choice after my simulation completes. I have a script file which I load in to Ansys that runs my simulation. However, it is a pain to post process my results as...