we are using 3/8 I.D. 1/2 O.D., that's what the original bundles were and that what our bender die's are made for so using a smaller stainless pipe would only be a viable option if we could stay at 1/2 O.D. We have both Paterson-Kelly and Ajax heaters and both of the shells are piped with the...
we are using the regular type k copper because thats all we can find, I'm not an engineer so the abriations are over my head, but I would love to use stainless as its shown the best wear properties for our hard water and flow. We are a state owned and run prison, so our funds are always short...
we are making our own heat exchangers to save money and teach inmates a skill, my question is reguarding volicity wear on our pipes. we use type k copper and have a problem with it being destroyed at the incomming water point, the rest of the exchanger wears well. Is there a beter tube material...
we take used tube bundles and rebuild them our selves to save money. I not an engineer but I've found that unless you have to anneal the tube to make the bend don't. we use 3/8 type k copper and have a 1 inch bend for the inner row and have problems with the bender crushing the pipe while...