Sorry for the roundabout response Steve but your original thread was closed by the time I came across it.
Will something like this work for you?
SELECT FirstTimeRejectCode, COUNT(FirstTimeRejectCode) AS RejectCount
FROM [AssyLineDB].[aProcess].[tblSerialNumber]
WHERE Rework=1...
I got frustrated with the software's CPU usage so I uninstalled it. If I recall there may be a help file associated with it if you are still using it. I just manually back up things and move files, then shut it off when I'm not using it.
Here are a couple sites with reviews:
Just read another grim reaper article about the new Ares booster being so prone to severe vibration it may never become man-rated. Anyone hear any good news about it recently?
Story of the CA incident here:
No experience with twins here, but if memory serves there is a
selector lever between the front seats for L/Both/R. Also typically this is a pump-driven system with boost...
Structured Query Language by its definition conforms to ANSI standards (and the decimal point is non-negotiable). If you are having trouble sleeping, here it is: