The machine has a threaded shaft on which is used to convert the rotational motion to linear motion. If i can control the rotational position of the motor then i can easily control the linear motion. Obviously stepper motors can do the job, but they lack power.
Will a servo mechanism be a...
Hi guys.
I have a small machine and it is powered by stepper motors, but it lacks power.
I want to start using servo motors but the problem is i dont know how to use them. What i want to know is how they work and do all servo motors need a feedback system. Plus how are they controlled, is it by...
Cheers guys thats a great help.
I know some people may think i am stupid (ivymike) in asking this question, but what i learnt at college was mostly theory, we did materials science, Fluids mechanics, solids mechanics, electricity, etc, and the hands on machining part was neglected.
Does anyone know of a website which describes all the processes which can be done on Lathes, Milling machines etc.
I am a junior design engineer and i will be designing parts for the craftsman to make. But the problem is that i only know the basic processes which can be done on lathes and...