I'm currently working with an STL mesh generated from CT scans, and have programmed some automoation into SW to make 3D measurements easier.
However, I cannot find a way to clip to areas within an STL triangle that I click on. The points/lines/measure tool always clips to a vertex.
A couple questions for the experts:
1) is there a good snippet of code to automatically create planes using the VBA API from an equation?
Currently I've calculated a plane of best fit base on a surface of the model, and I would like to create some planes to assist with future measurements...
Are there any toolboxes available to assist with 3D measurements of STL or Point Cloud date files?
I have a 3D reconstructed surface of a medical image and would like to automate a process to make measurements.
I'm trying to set up shared nodes between *some* of my parts in ANSYS ICEM before importing the mesh into ANSYS multiphysics for structural analysis. Currently, I have meshed all my parts (conformal meshing?), which consist of volumetric tets and triangular shell elements.
1) How do I tell if...
Since it doesn't look like too many people use ANSYS ICEM CFD for meshing, let me explain my *temporary* solution:
Export the mesh to ANSYS as a .ini file w/material properties set
However, this sometimes causes files that hang on import through ANSYS classic, especially with SHELL elements...
^that and I have a roaming license that I use on my laptop, which has a middle button that I can use to scroll, but it doesn't work as a middle button in ANSYS :)
Although it would be good if all CAD/FEA/CFD software followed the same 'navigation standards,' it would be even better if their...
I've grown fond of the meshing capabilities in ANSYS ICEM (workbench GUI), but I would like to transfer the mesh to ANSYS simulator or ANSYS Classis/traditional for structural FEA.
For a 2D/Shell test model I've tried creating an output batch file for ANSYS, but I cannot seem to open it in...
Hmmm... I consistently get this error when I try the 'screen select' feature, but it works when I use absolute/relative values...
Probably a glitch with the GUI.
I am trying to use/learn the blocking features of ANSYS ICEM CFD, but while working through the tutorials I am coming up with different 'errors':
e.g. in the 2D pipe tutorialfor hexa meshing, while on the 'split blocking' step I am getting the following error without the block splitting...
Quick Question:
IS there any way to remap the middle mouse button to alternate buttons? (e.g. if I have a 2-button mouse, can I make a ctrl+right-click the middle button=accept command?)