Have, sometimes, got no improvement when overhauling T/C. Rotors cleaned and re-balanced by shore company. Not seen to be very dirty when dismantled. Have tried 3 different types of nozzle ring.
Many thanks for help so far, will try and find a user group.
The temp rises are common to all cylinders, not just one and sensors are checked regularly as errors normally show up as extreme, and impossible, fluctuations.
The air supply is very possible. The T/C's are washed every 6 days with an...
The power loss is even on all cylinders. It is a vicious circle type of thing, T/C rpm drops which gives less scavenge air pressure which, in turn, gives higher exhaust temps. This normally corrected by T/C overhaul but the improvement is relatively short lived. We now overhaul T/C at 200 hr...
I lose power/performance from a 6L 40/45 600rpm MAN engine. After T/C overhaul the engine runs at full performance for about 1500 - 2000 hrs and then drops off so the CPP pitch limit drops from 16.5 to 11-12 by about 4000 hrs. The limit is caused by exhaust temp limits of 480 deg C. The T/C is...