You think 4nec2 is not the right tool to model such low frequencies?
Is there a complete description how 4nec2 calculates all output parameters? For example, it's not clear which voltage is calculated? There is an input voltage source and the output?
Thanks so far!
Yes, it's just one turn.
And yes, it's not a "antenna".
I am interested in the nearfields (H-field) from 0-50 meter. If I increase the frequency, the far field pattern grows and the efficiency grows to 80-90%. At 2kHz efficiency is 0% .
My question concerns the relation between antenna...
I made some calculations with "4nec2" for a loop antenna.
For different frequencies the radiation pattern, SWR, efficiency is changing completely. But in case of a very low
radiation efficiency the nearfield pattern is still there, the farfield pattern is gone!
How does the SWR (antenna...