Hi, does anybody know how can I evaluate overtuning moment from wind or earthquake in the structure like a silo or tank (shell elem.) with circular base where boundary conditions are apllied to the tank bottom (displacement, rotation)? Reaction list from ANSYS doesn't correspond with theoretical...
Hi, I have contacted region officer and He told me it isn't standard process and He can provide free old version (ANSYS 9.0 ED) to good and "nice" custemer and it isn't for unknown custemer....good luck
Hi,I have problem with set up contact between shell and beam elements(shell63/beam3), I used conta175 amd targe170, but no contact between that, do you have any experiences with this?
Hi, I mean that stress distribution and deformation of the shell is not the same in internal vs. external pressure. It is the same example like plastic bottle of water, you can try press the bottle by hand, it has more less stress capacity than with internal pressure..... and deformation of the...
Hi guys, I cretaed a model of the storage steel tank (diameter 10m, heigh 15m, wall thickness 7mm) and I load a model external pressure (underpressure) but Iam not satisfied with results, stress is equal like with overpressure and its wrong. I used shell 93 and pressure on areas... Have you ever...
Hi, I would like to know, if somebody knows how can I do beam load (triangular-like a hydrostatic) in ansys, I need to solve problem of roof construction, view appendix. I would like to use beam elements.
Thanks, Chosse