I'm on an oil & gas project and we have stainless steel types, 304H, 304L, 316, 316L, & 321.
As these types are all P8 Group 1, could weld procedure qualification in one type, qualify all types and satisfy ASME IX requirements?
If so, which type is recommended to be used for the qualification?
I'm on an oil & gas project where we have stainless steels, 304H, 304L, 316, 316L, and 321.
As these are all P8 numbers, could a weld procedure qualifcation in one of these qualify the rest and satisfy ASME IX requirements?
I'm drawing up a list of material quantities for qualifying pipe weld procedures. Materials are carbon steel, low temp carbon steel, stainless steels -304, 316L, 321 - Chrome Moly. Some of these materials are of heavy wall thickness
On a previous project, I remember that we qualified weld...