first of all Happy New Year,
Thank you
yes the code that I have used is current and NFPA 231 was combined into the new NFPA 13 as LCREP mentioned.
0.6 & 0.9 gpm/sq.ft are both used for high temperature applications. and clearly is mentioned " 0.6 AND 0.9" and references to the note under the...
Sorry for delay, I was away. Thanks for all your responses. I think our client was looking for a way to save money if it is not addressed in the code. You are right the entire building has to be sprinklered.
Anyone knows if sprinkler system is required by code for the shipping receiving areas of warehouses? Project is warehous with a L-shape Shipping area which is basically most of it is closed but entrance.
Does anyone know that what the hazard classification is a warehouse that numbers of people work to sort the second hand cloths and pack them in plastic bags and stack in about 16 feet hight? Warehouse is about 42000 sq.ft.
The building is not fully sprinklered and it is not required to be, by code.
Perhaps, if I connect the 6 sprinkler heads to the main incoming water with an alarm flow switch, then my pump will just serve the standpipe (fire hose cabinets) and I can keep my pump for 100 gpm (for the standpipe...
I have been assigned a class II standpipe design for an existing 3 story residential building which will have an additional 4th story. The existing 3 story building has a 2" riser and a 1 ½" Fire hose on each floor. The boiler room and garbage room in the basement are sprinklered (6 sprinkler...
I am assigned a class ii standpipe design for an existing 3 story residential building which 4th story is being added. Existing 3 story building has a 2” riser ( one 1 ½” Fire hose on each floor). Boiler room and garbage room in the basement is sprinklered (6 sprinkler heads total). system is...