BAretired, I guess I don't understand how you can say the inflection point is not a brace point, yet you say the unbraced length of the bottom flange is to the inflection point. What is bracing it at that point? Older engineers in my office also argue the unbraced length should be taken to the...
Thanks slickdeals. I read through the document and in their design examples they take the unbraced length of the bottom flange for negative moment as the distance from the column to the inflection point. I know that is what has been the topic of conversation here. Is this what Structural EIT...
The column braces the bottom of the girder and joists brace the top of the girder every 5ft. That's why i'm having problems with the negative moment/unbraced length of the bottom flange between the columns. Yes, this beam has been designed to carry the load of the adjacent beams as...
Thanks StructuralEIT, that's exactly what I was looking for but couldn't find it. Yes, we are planning on bracing the beam, maybe adding a kicker from the bottom flange to the open-web joists, but that was a last effort. I wanted to see if there was anything else first.
I'm working on an existing steel building where the owner wants to add a new generator on the roof and I'm checking the existing girders. There are 6 bays and the steel girders cantilever past the columns and are spliced with intermediate girders. I can't find any information in text books...