but it is about ansys, the material is carbon steel
and i have found my answer
"In a constant amplitude analysis, if the alternating stress is lower than the lowest alternating stress defined in the S-N curve, the life at that point will be used."
Hence the stresses in my analysis...
Hi all can anyone help
when doing a fatigue safety factor in Ansys WB 13
it would seem anything above 1x106 cycles doesnt change
the fatigue safey factor.
ie i have just set up the same analysis with 1x109 cycles
and 1x106 cycles and the SF doesnt change it only changes
when you get below...
Hi under the licence allocation i have all products.
if i use ansys product launcher i can selet all product
either under ansys or workbenchbut when i run these i only get same options as under deisgnspace no matter which product i select, see atatched...
Hi All i have been using Ansys Designspace for a number of
years, currently on version 11.
I believe that ansys designspace is good untill the yield of the material is exceeded then it becomes non linear and full ansys is required.
i Have accuired an evaluation dvd of all the ansys products