Many thanks for your suggestions . I have tried all of the suggestions above . I am going to upgrade to windows XP professional to see if this helps. Checking online suggests that there is less networking functionality with the home than the Professional editions.
Good morning. I have been trying to talk to a ABB acs 800 with a modbus card (reta 01 ) using a laptop with windows xp home edition as its operating system. I can with this lap top have full connectivity to our works intranet and also connect fully to the internet. I can also ping our servers ...
We are looking to install 4 off ABB acs 800 75kW vsd on a cooling tower application , The only real issue we have (having fitted these drives to other applications ) is the fact that the plc is a allen Bradley contrologix . Can anyone advise on setting up the comms and are there tutorials...
We have several Squirel cage induction motors running on our plant at well below their power rating e.g. 345kW 3.3kV four pole 50Hz motor full load current 75 amps. with a power factor of 0.8 at full rated power. I understand that if you run a motor at well below its rated capacity
(in this...
We are currently looking at the possibility of installing a medium voltage drive on a 2.5 MW load The options appear to be ABB ACS 5000 the perfect harmony drive and an Allen Bradley drive . Initialy the Perfect harmony seemed to fit the bill, however their competitors make a big play of the...
The motors are probably of the hollow or flexible shaft design , One solution would be to fit Stiff rotor type motors. These motors are designed to push the natural resonnance frequency of the motor above full speed , This phenomenon is more pronounced in 2 pole machines but does also occur in 4...
Does anyone have any experience of running a large AC 4 pole induction motor at 100Hz this design has been offered to drive a pump with a 3000 rpm top speed < however the pump will normalyy run in the 2200 to 3000 speed range . The reason I was offered this solution was that the 2 pole motor...
I think the first thing to point out here is that if you require the driven load to run at 100% speed and at 100% absorbed power why fit a VFD at all. A cheaper and better option for such an application would be a soft start with by pass to run as DOL. If speed control is required then as the...
The MV drive application we are considering at the moment falls into the absorbed power category where we could use either air cooled or liquid cooled drives. Some of my colleagues have reservations using about using liquid cooled drives with regard to the ancillary equipment required to cool...
Has anyone any information on this Technology , It is being marketed as being a zero harmonic incredibly small footprint Variable speed drive. It is difficult to find any detailed info on the net, has anyone used this drive or have info on it
I am currently in the position of specing and sourcing 2.7MW MV drives The drives being considered are as follows
1) Robicon (supplied by Siemens)
2) ABB ACS 5000
3) Rockwell powerflex
The issue being that all three have very different topologies, Has anyone any thoughts on the...