I'm designing a circuit, and I'm going to use 1020 steel for an end cap. Can someone tell me, or point me to, a way to determine the dimensions of the cap for it to be slightly less than saturated by the flux from the pole of an n35 magnet?
I graphed the data I found searching for 1018 steel. Can you check the attached excel graph and see if that fits an actual graph for the steel? http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=b48d12d9-bc4f-48f1-a5ae-d9054a077f4a&file=B-H_curve_for_1018_steel.xls
I can't find a way to get a list of existing FAQs. I only asked because I can only find FAQs I have found a direct link to. How can I get a list of FAQs?
I use Moskowitz's 'Permanent Magnet Design & Application Handbook' extensively as a reference.
Are there any other good books I should make room for on my bookshelf?