Hi! What are the basic steps in order to check your new prototype board? What should you check at first...things like supply, clocks(to see if the board is working and then what)?
The sensor has a CS pin. Do I stll have to add a buffer or a diode to the SPITXD line? When the CS of the sensor is not enabled why should I add the buffer to the spitxd line?It can't sent something as long the cs in not enabled...correct?
Hi guys,
I have a SPI bus with several slave devices, usb controller,
tranceiver and sensors. There is an independent slave select line for each slave.
If I am not wrong most devices must have tri-state outputs that become high impedance ("disconnected") when the device is not selected.
I have...
The first voltage comes from a Li-Ion battery(3.7Volts) and the second(3.3V) comes through a connector of another board. On this other board the 3.3V comes from a dc/dc converter. So I think that this should be a problem according to you....(macgyvers2000)
You mean when changing from one voltage level to another level, for example when using a regulator or a level translator( that causes crosstalk)? So when you have two different supply voltages is not a problem?
Hi everyone,
I have a 2 layer board with one GSM and one GPS module. The operation voltage is 3.7V and 3.3V for the GSM and GPS. Is there a problem for the two voltages to be on the same board?
The tracks are not very close to each other(4 cm at least) and the board thickness is 0.5mm. If the...
I named the polygons and everything is OK.Thanks a lot!
Another thing I wanted to ask is how can I have a ground poured all over the fisst signal layer? Is there a way to define it in eagle ?
Hi, xray..since you have used Eagle do you know why the airwires of the gnd or the vcc (I have defined with polygon a ground plane and a supply plane) remain after I have placed a via to ground or vcc plane?
Unfortunately Ctrl+X didn't work, Eagle has some group+cut+delete instruction to cut an object from the layout.So I had to rip up all the traces and define the power plane. Thanks anyway! :)
Hi I'm using Eagle Cadsoft v5.0. I'm making a board with four layers.
My question is why I can't define a supply layer after having placed tracks between the layers.If I try to do so it pops me out error saying that...
I am very happy because LT3481 was the one in the top of my list(as well as LT3681). I have found some inductors by TOKO:
However in the datasheet only the inductance and the Rated DC...
Thanks treez!It should be an easy job if you knew what all these parameters of the regulators really mean. I know the basic specs that the regiulator should meet , Vin(3-9Volts)
Vout(3.4-4.2Volts), Iout max = 2A, and switching frequency at least 500kHz, but those I find have so many other...
Hi I want to use a step down regulator from 9 Volt battery to 3.8 Volts of GM862-GPS module of Telit. I have looked at maxim's regulators but I can't figure out which one is more suitable for the GSM. I want a regulator as simple as possible (with one DC output).....
Thanks in avanced :)
Hi I need to find a bidirectional rf amp, surface mounted at 2.4 GHz. I could use switches and two rf amps but I would rather not to(I have one rx/tx path).I haven't found something though I have searched the net :)
Thanks in advanced!