Yes, I made a simple math error when I listed the opening area. Rest assured I didn't make the mistake in my actual calculations. I would agree in saying that 500cfm is too large a surplus for the given area to relieve the pressure. The provisional plan is to install a relief damper so that...
The idea about it being a tank with a continuous bleed valve was a way that I was trying to think about it in a more simplified mannner with a simple in and out (ruling out all other losses besides the major cracks). The room will have 6 ac's per hour. Of the 2360cfm supplied only 1860cfm will...
Thanks for the responses so far. It is actually for a lab. Surely you can calculate something before the room is built. The system is basically a tank with a continuous bleed valve. Continued help would be appreciated as I can't seem to close in on this problem mentally, but I know somebody...
I am trying to calculate how to maintain a .05" positive pressure in a room. I know the supply volumetric flow but I am trying to size the return based on the goal of .05" positive pressure. There are 2 doors in the room both with a space under the bottom of the door. (each crack 0.5"x3') I...