Gupta: the $PRP@Description is for the custom properties field ... and that one I can get to work fine. Thanks for the input though.
CorBlimeyLimey: Yeah, I figured it probably would work fine for the later versions because I checked online for help and got the $Description header from the...
Hi Updraft ....
I am ok with getting fields into the design table in general ... I just can't seem to figure out what the column header needs to be in order to fill out the description field.
I just tried putting in a few configurations and filling in the description field and comments...
Any way to use the design table to populate the properties of the configuration (configuration properties ... not the custom properties)? I tried using $DESCRIPTION but it did not work. It gave me a "Column heading $DESCRIPTION contains invalid keyword .. " error. I can load the...
Thanks for the replies guys ...
We are just starting to use the solidworks that we purchased a few years ago. We haven't quite figured out how we want to do things yet but this is the basic idea:
-We are likely to have the files located in different directories so the batch program needs to...
I am looking to batch print files from Solidworks 6. I have seen the solutions for using Task Scheduler and have seen a couple of the freeware programs available but they don't seem to do what I am looking to do ...
I went to solidworks site and got their vb6 batch print example. It...
Is it possible to open a drawing file up read-only using the command line or script (AutoCad 2002)? I can choose read-only when using the dialog box but we often will use just the command line. Is there a specific command or variable to set before performing the open?
Hi FH,
Your code works great!! Thank you for writing it. I now can add a couple of columns to the excel file to calculate the overall size of my parts. I would only need to output the layer that each solid is on to the excel file so I know which solid is which. The idea is to draw each part...
anybody know of a simple routine for autocad 2002 to export all of the coordinates for 3d solids in a drawing? I am able to select multiple 3d solids in the drawing and then do a "list" on them. This shows me the "Upper Bound x", Upper Bound Y", Upper Bound...
Hi Cadkid,
Thanks for the info ... I will try it out. I thought I must be going crazy. Seems like such a procedure as opening a drawing would be a simple thing to do with the buttons.
Thanks again,
Can't seem to get this simple button to work for me. Need to have a button on the toolbar that will open a predetermined file. I have tried many different variations.
Using AutoCad 2002. Basically just need to do this:
^c^c^cfiledia 0 open f:/adwg/test.dwg
Any help on the syntax would be...