Yes, I think I agree with you here. I have been getting a bit closer of late (trying out a few things similar to your suggestion above), but still not quite there ...
Now trying to build the whole thing in ISDX (style), which really seems like the only way to go about it because trying to...
Here is an example of of the trim surface with G3 connections on the side but not the top. I can also achieve a G3 connection on the top but not the sides. The technique I am using here is the same that I us in NX and it works well.
I would also be interested to know how you achieved the driving blue surface in your model without a surface trim of some kind? Otherwise i assume a three sided surface perhaps?
Are you able to achieve a G3 condition on all of those curves using the method above? Reason I ask is that I can achieve exactly what you have shown above with model I originally posted if I relax the other edge/surface conditions as you have. The thing i am struggling with is a G3 condition on...
Attached is the equivalent G2 nose cone. So simple...I'm not sure why the G3 version is so much more difficult to achieve?
Thanks, I will try that.
Yes, I have tried this. The chain 2 curve is G3, I have also tried creating a new G3 curve after the cut of the main surface, but this doesn't appear to work either unfortunately.
Hi there,
I am trying to model a nose cone/end surface with G3 surface conditions (as shown in the image below/ZIP file of model attached). I am using PTC Creo 7.0...
Hi there,
I am a lowly Industrial Designer :) so please go easy. I'm sure a lot of my terminology will be completely wrong and I am happy to be corrected or advised otherwise, I'm not precious.
I am designing a sit/stand console (medical) that requires a really (REALLY) cheap, but affective...