Many thanks BP. As you stated, manual vs auto trans are two completely different ball games, especially pertaining to this discussion. Thanks to DHF for the Scangauge recommendation. It looks like a reputable piece of measurement equipment from a cursory look on the web.
"Do not disturb my...
"Very occasionally the gauge drops to 0.2 GPH for a second or two. I've only noticed this on extremely hot days."
"Do not disturb my circles!" - 212 BCE, Siege of Syracuse
(re: ivymike's 09/09/08 7:43 post)
That's a bad situation all the way around. Either voluntarily edge into the intersection hoping to avoid or minimize the rear impact, or keep the pedal firmly depressed (maybe with the hand brake on) and take the hit. Either way you risk physical harm. I'd...
The unasked question is if they switch to neutral to save fuel or because they feel it will keep the trans cooler? - carnage1 (Electrical)
yes, but...
You're probably putting more wear on the brake bands and clutch packs when you reengage gear at the green light. - SonyAD (Computer)
Do you...
Thanks for all the insightful comments, I'm going to work out this stuff in notation for variables & functions for kicks. Tried to scribble out a partial DE for air, fuel, throttle, idle, etc.. - then "may day"- the "batphone" rang :-(!
The taxi's I've been in NYC were all gas engine naturally...
I notice this phenomenon when watching NYC cab drivers shift to neutral (auto trans) when approaching a stop. The technique is: when approaching a stop, immediately shift to neutral thus coasting to a stop and leave it in neutral while waiting at stop. Engine rev decrease while coasting and less...