The coefficient value was given to me based on some old calcutions done 30 yrs ago. I will look into the coefficient value and confrim it. The sin(alpha/2) comes from the formula for V belt tension where alpha is the angle of the groove the V belt rides in. Since we are looking for the strand...
Thats basically what I did (T1/T2 = e(uB/sin(alpha/2)) etc.
But when I get to the 5th wrap on the payoff side the tension is something like 75k not the 18k.
I would assume that the tension around the free wheeling wheel would be the same ( if it goes in at 500 lbs it must must be 500 lbs on the...
This is a cable wire Stress releiving line. There is some strech, but accures in the last 5 wraps of the wheels due to the different diameters between the 1st 5 wraps and the last 5 wraps. I just need to be pointed in the right direction. There is one wheel that is driven (max rpm 100) and one...
This is not a Belt but more like wire rope. I understand the friction part of of a pulley, T1/T2 = e(uB), but the tension cannot not be equal in each strand and do you sum the the total tensions to get the total load the bearings see.
I have a situation that requires expertize beyond my capabilities. I need to know how to calculate the individual tensions in each strand and then find the bearing loads. the setup is that I have two wheels one driven the other free, each with ten grooves (with an included angle of 45 degrees)...