Hi there, can anyone teach me why the inner vane passage of brake disc still in lower temp? i used coupled temp displace step analysis with appropriate boundary condition, load(heat flux on the disc surface)and oso interaction.
the problem is i need to apply the concentrated load to the beam surface along the line between the midway point. i have already used the reference point to apply the concentrated load distribution but couldn't due to the NODE SET ASSEMBLY__PICKEDSET31 HAS NOT BEEN DEFINED.
hi it's me again. anyone who knows how to to create distribution load at middle face beam(analysis 3 point bending)and also how to converts point to nodes in abaqus?
hi there it's me again.Does anyone know how to apply the concentrated force along the line surface?ive using the reference point but couldn't due to the NODE SET ASSEMBLY__PICKEDSET31 HAS NOT BEEN DEFINED.Can anyone show me how to convert the point to node.thanks.
owh...then what type the boundary conditions suitable?fiy, my research is to analyze the thermal stress analysis on the brake disc surface. Only one fraction over thirty two section of disc brake rotor has been created...
hi, it's me again, Russel.Currently i've using abaqus to analyze the thermal strees on the brake disc rotor surface.The problem is if i used the higher value of meshing the result temperature will exceed more than 4000 Celsius but if i used the lower meshing for example 5 global size compare to...
Hi everyone, my name is russel currently have a problem with my abaqus analysis. I run the job I've created for that model of vented brake disc rotor and get the following (very helpful) error message:
Error in job bos: 16235 elements have missing property definitions. The elements have been...