Be sure to consider Scot Forge if you are looking at open die forging. They are also very good with rings, which it sounds like may be usefule to you.
Full disclosure: My company is a manufacturer of forged steel clevises.
I second dicksewerrat. Go with a #3 clevis - threading for 3/4" rod is not a problem. Only issue you may have is that our #3 forging comes out of the trim die with a hole for a 1" pin so a 3/4" bolt would not be...
TVP, metengr, rp:
Any comments on the following response to my suggestion to abandon the normalizing approach and use a quench & tempered material with proper welding procedures? Again, this was offered as a way to achieve hardness of 30-32 Hrc for 9-1/2" dia. 4140 after normalizing.
Thanks for your replies, TVP, metengr & rp.
I had suggested A434 Cl BD material in liu of the original confusing & contradictory spec, but I was too intimidated by the title of the person that gave the above (excerpted) respose to the RFI to press the issue. Bolstered by your suggestions I...
Thanks to all for the input. This is a great group.
The fabrication drawings call for the pin to be shrink fitted into 3" deep bore in a 4" thick A572 Gr 50 plate that is square shaped (the plate, not the bore), roughly 5' x 5'. They show a 3/4" fillet weld (all around) between the pin &...
Thanks TVP. My thought on pre-machining was more related to getting the nose wear surface as hard as possible, assuming that the normalized microstructure transitions to more of an annealed microstructure toward the center of the part, because of it's large mass. By premachining, we would be...
Thanks RP.
This part is a large pintle - a cylinder with a tapered nose. Our customer will be welding the base of the pintle to a large plate and has specified the normalizing instead of quench & temper for weldability, but wants the wear surfaces of the pintle as hard as possible.
Do you...
Does anybody have a feel for what the expected hardness would be for 4340 in a 9-1/2" diameter after normalizing at 1600 F? All of the mass effect data I have come across so far just goes up to 4" diaemeter. Thanks.