Hello all. Thanks for the responses.
The geology consists of about 12 feet of silt/gravel till overlying siltstone bedrock.
For my own peace of mind, and on the advice presented here, I went ahead and performed a basic slope stability analysis using GSlope. Considering that our test pits at...
Hello. I've got an interesting slope issue dealing with a bank along a reservoir. Here's the background:
Our firm has a client who is proposing to develop a flat plateau that overlooks a reservoir to one side and a ravine to the other. The slope along the reservoir ranges from 20 to 30...
I haven't found any references on this yet. After talking with one of the senior engineers in my firm, we decided to treat the pile as a skin friction pile.
A hydrovac'd pile is simply a pile hole excavated using a high pressure water stream to blast the soil, and a vacuum truck to...
Could anyone direct me to papers or documents with info
on how to determine friction/bearing capacities for piles
advanced using hydrovac excavating?
Any links or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Corey Dale