Those little blue boxes are grip points.
All the data in the drawing can be extracted and exported to a text file.
Look at the dxf reference in the autocad help file.
If you have the express tools loaded you can use remote text and diesel to automatically update a string.
Steps to do this are:
On the express tools menu select Text - Remote Text
At the command line enter D for diesel, a dialog box will pop up enter the following string in it:
System Variable: TDUPDATE Julian date/time
This variable is updated in AutoCAD every time the drawing is saved.
The only way to change this value is to save the drawing.
<lselsetp nil>
This means that the routine didn't find any points. What are the entities that you are trying to list?
List one of the objects, then cut and paste in your reply.
assuming that you are refering to point entities:
copy the text below the line of askerisks to a text file and save it as PList.lsp, then use appload to load it into AutoCAD. After the program loads, enter plist at the command line. The program writes the point location out to a comma delimited...
/p "c:\Rebis201\AutoPLANT_PDS.arg"
The /p causes autocad to modify the registry with the values stored in the ".arg" file.
You can modify this file in the same way you would the registry.