Thank you. It's just a backyard pool and it's new. Just finished concrete without any coating yet. The client wants to make it 8" deeper. So I'm thinking to knock out the bottom and dig deeper, then shot new shotcrete. In addition to the bonding agent, I'm thinking a detail with waterstop. I...
Hi guys, I'm currently helping a client to deepen his pool. The shell of the pool is about 6-8in shotcrete. If we cut the bottom out and dig deeper, then add a new bottom, how would you make the joint between the new and existing shotcrete? Any experience to share will be appreciated.
Thank y'all for inputs. I believe I have seen something like: the concrete slab shoud have XX lateral cover over the studs at the edge of the slab.
So if I have W12x26 beams and 4" slab with 3/4" dia studs, how much slab I need over the center of an edge beam?
I don't think it's an invalid...
When calculate masonry combined compression and flexure,
fm = P/At + M/St
One needs to calculate the transformed moment of inertia to get St.
What is the formula for It?
Irhg, no, it's not true. The factor of 1.5 was already in the formula on the chart, i.e., Mn/Omiga. So you really can not apply that 1.5 one more time to the values.
Hi there,
Did ya'll noticed that the moments given by the black book's beam charts are generally larger than that by the green book's?
For instance on the black book, for W14X43 with 20ft unbraced length, the available moment is 109.5 kip-ft;
On the green book, the available moment is...
Hi there,
First time to post here.
In ACI 530-05, teh allowable shear Eq.(2-5) says:
Bv = 350*(f'm*Ab)^(1/4)
I think the Ab should be Ap which is the projectd area for masonry rather than bolt area.
It does not make sense to use f'm to multiply Ab.
What do ya'll think?